{ databrew }

We are managing the data pipeline for a multi-year clinical trial in Africa to investigate the effectiveness of the drug ivermectin in combating malaria. Our responsibilities include operational strategy planning, digitizing survey forms, securely storing and managing data on tens of thousands of participants, and analyzing the epidemiological impact of this study.

UNICEF Geospatial Data Analysis
We created a dashboard with maps to help UNICEF understand the need for and access to health services in the provinces of Cabo Delgado and Nampula in Mozambique. Specifically, our analysis highlighted services and social workers available to pregnant women with various risk factors at the district and provincial level.
WHO WPRO Data Analysis & Report
Databrew supported the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO) team in analyzing data and writing a report on health outcomes, health behaviours, and health disparities related to non-communicable diseases and to identify various indicators and health disparities in the Philippines.
World Bank HEFPI Dashboard
We developed an interactive web application for the visual exploration of the World Bank’s Health Equity and Financial Protection Indicators that show global trends in health and finance. You can see the live application on the Wold Bank website.
Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa (VIDA)

Databrew provided analyses for the University of Maryland's Vaccine Impact on Diarrhea in Africa (VIDA) study assessing the causes and burden of diarrhea in children under five, as well as the effectiveness of rotavirus vaccine in Mali, Kenya, and The Gambia.

WHO Geneva Arbovirus Survey
Databrew partnered with WHO Geneva, offering expertise in data management and analysis for the Global Arbovirus Survey. Our work involved comprehensive services including data cleansing, efficient data management, and in-depth analysis. To effectively disseminate the findings, Databrew developed and provided both detailed reports and an interactive RShiny dashboard which enabled users to explore the survey data interactively, enhancing the accessibility and understanding of the survey's outcomes.

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Databrew conducted a meticulous process of cleaning and analyzing survey data focused on political media consumption. This involved a thorough examination and refinement of the data to ensure accuracy and reliability. Our analysis provided insightful revelations about patterns and trends in political media usage, contributing significantly to the depth and scope of the THREATPIE project's research objectives.

Data Viz for Santa Fe Institute Press
Databrew analyzed data and created all the visualizations for Law as Data, a book published by the Santa Fe Institute which explores the new field of computational legal analysis — the study of the law that uses legal texts as data.

Training Researchers in Mozambique
We carried out a 12-week training course for medical researchers at the Centro de Investigação em Saude de Manhiça. We taught data management, visualization, and analysis using R so that our students - largely doctors - were equipped to glean insight from their data without having to waste funds on software and licensing fees.

COST (Cost-effectiveness Evaluation of Vector Control Strategies in Mozambique)
Databrew provided data analysis and visualization services for the COST study, which aimed to evaluate the impact and cost-effectiveness of using indoor residual spraying (IRS) with a non-pyrethroid insecticide in a high malaria transmission area of Mozambique.